a l b u m r e v i e w s


AOR Heaven / Point Music 10163
Produced by: Frederik Bergh

Released: OUT / Website
Relatives: Steve Perry, Mark Spiro

  1. Someday
  2. Need Someone
  3. If Anybody Breaks Your Heart
  4. Let Me Be The One
  5. Always Stand By You
  6. Ye Gods And Little Fishes
  7. Everything I Do Is Just For You
  8. Energizer Bunny
  9. Don't Give Up On This Love
  10. When You Lose The One You Love

The second CD review and a second essential release for Westcoast AOR fans. This is Street Talk's second album, following up their successful Collaboration release.
The vocalist is once again the very fine Goran Edman, recently heard on his latest project Kharma.
This album features the other side of Edman, the soft and soulful singer, who's voice is divine over these very smooth and mature pop rock ballads.
The songwriter and producer is Frederik Bergh, a musician ahead of his years. Being that he is the majority writer of the album, you could excuse his keyboards for dominating proceedings. But instead they are kept to a support role, adding texture and depth to songs also featuring guitarist Sven Larsson. His playing is reminiscent of Journey's Neal Schon and is equally at home on the soft acoustic driven pop tones of Let Me Be The One and Don't Give Up On This Love, to the more uptempo guitar dominated AOR of Someday, Ye Gods And Little Fishes and the cleaverly titled Energizer Bunny.
BOTTOM LINE: Another top class Westcoast AOR release that betters their debut album and features some great melodic moments. The production is tight and must be recommended as essential for any fans of AOR albums filled with smooth, powerful and emotional ballads.
ESSENTIAL FOR: Once again - all fans of Westcoast AOR and also Goran Edman fans.
DISCOGRAPHY:Collaboration . Transition

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