a l b u m r e v i e w s


Black Mark
Produced by: Southfork

Released: OUT NOW
Closest Relative: Black Label Society
GENRE: Hard Rock

  1. Space Revolution
  2. Stray Dog
  3. Superglue
  4. Walk New Worlds
  5. Everything Must Go
  6. Man Made Of Stone
  7. One Way Freeway
  8. Spitfire
  9. Graceland Boogie
  10. Far Beyond

If this is the way modern hard rock is going to go, you can count me out. Yes, I will happily stay rooted in the past. Of course, there are some great rock n roll records out there with a modern edge that still manage to maintain some melodic respectability.
Southfork is a side project of one of Sweden's top hard rock acts, but for the moment I can't seem to locate that info. No doubt someone will mail me the info after reading this.
What I do know is that there is quite a crowd of fans for this dark and heavy style of melodic metal, so if that's you, check this out.
Fans of Black Label Society and the more tuned-down grunge side of hard rock will no doubt take a liking to this.
The guys have a good sound for what it is and the aggression and heaviness of the record shines through with ease.
But for the average visitor to this site, I would say this might be just that little bit too heavy.
BOTTOM LINE: You will have to have an ear for the heavier side of hard rock to get into this and maybe a taste for the darker side of grunge modern rock. If bands like Black label Sociey do it for you, chances are Southfork might also.
ESSENTIAL FOR: Fans of the darker and heavier side of modern melodic metal.

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