a l b u m r e v i e w s

Produced by: Soaked
  1. Believe
  2. Crush
  3. My Grain
  4. Better Way
  5. Smashing
  6. Silver King
  7. The Spin
  8. Something
  9. Things Fall Off
  10. Rag
This is the new project from Steve Brown of Trixter fame.
His last project Thrown Rocks never made it off the ground, but I was fortunate enough to hear a tape of demos. It was a collection of infectious pop rockers, a more stripped back and acoustic driven rock. Very cool and unfortunate that it never made it to the release stage.
Back again with new band Soaked, Steve has turned the guitars back up and is now rocking as hard as ever. But it isn't Trixter style 80's female friendly pop rock, it's commercially viable 90's FM rock 'n roll.
It's hard rock with a pop twist, fuzz guitars, distortion, pop rock crushed and blended as a cocktail. Maybe Glen Burtnik on speed?
Either way it's good, but those with ears for modern rock will take to it earlier and easier than those like me who mainly hang out in the late 80's. I should get over that soon.
Indeed I have. I am now writing this 10 listens later and this stuff is really catchy.
It seems to get heavier with ever listen and the hooks make themselves more familiar.
It's not going to be everyone's cup of tea, but fans of modern rock should take to this big time.
I am not sure if I have Def Leppard on the brain right now, but this reminds me a little of Slang.
Steve Brown knows how to write a catchy tune, so do yourself a favour and investigate something new here.
The production is a little muddy, but maybe that is the entire fuzz guitar effect contributing to that.
Download the soundbytes and check the band's website for release news:
ESSENTIAL FOR: Modern pop rock fans, 90's hard rock fans. Some Trixter fans.
DISCOGRAPHY: Trixter . Thrown Rocks . Soaked

b a c k t o i n d e x