
1. Little White Lie 2. Salvation On Sand Hill 3. Who Has The Right? 4. Would You Do It For Free? 5. Leaving The Warmth Of The Womb 6. Kama 7. On The Other Hand 8. Both Sides Now 9. The Yogi's So High (I'm Stoned) 10. Amnesty Is Granted 11. Maching To Mars JAPAN Bonus Tracks 12. Ether 13. Wash Me Down Again Recent solo Discography
  • Standing Hampton
  • Three Lock Box
  • VOA
  • Sammy Hagar (1987)
  • Unboxed
  • Marching To Mars
Total Score 80%Production 95%Songs 80%Vibe 80%Attitude 85%
I was ready for something different, but even then I was taken by surprise. This ain't Van Halen, and it sure isn't like any other Sammy Hagar record. It is not surprisingly darker, moodier, and a very personal record. Driven by acoustic guitars, restrained vocals, dark soulful melodies, 'Marching To Mars' is Sammy's album of healing and recovery after the past year or so in his life.
There is a variety in styles, classic ballads like 'Kama' and the anthem 'Who Has The Right?', some heavy blues in 'Little White Lie' and 'On The Other Hand', and some highly original and surprising work on tracks like 'Salvation On Sand Hill', 'Would You Do It For Free', 'Marching To Mars' and Both Sides Now'.
Even on the 'Amnesty' track, which was covered by Meatloaf last year, Sammy has taken it, stripped it right back, slowed it down, and brought the real emotion in it out.
The album is full of Sammy's awesome lyric writing, but it has added heart and depth, the guy really seems to have been hit hard by the break with his family in Van Halen.
The musis also has added depth to any previous Hagar releases. It is rawer, more organic, acoustic, and void of any big rock tracks. Instead he choses to play are more laid back rythm, than ever before. This is one album that will take many listens to hear all the ins and outs of, and to full appreciate. There may even be some out there that don't get into this at all. But that's okay, I think Sammy has made this album more for himself, and would be happy to hear that some fans really dig it to.
A more mature, personal, raw and experimantal record, that deserves several listens before passing judgement. Not what every Hagar fan would be looking for, but great nevertheless. Tracks:
Little White Lie: Raw live blues rocker, builds to an explosive ending. Short song.
Salvation On Sand Hill: Mellow intro, a whispered vocal builds to a powerful rock chorus and then fades back out again.
Who Has The Right?: heartfelt piano power ballad.
Would You Do It For Free?: A song of questions, a restrained mid paced, Don Henley like rock tune.
Kama: big ballad about the birth of Sammy's daughter.
On The Other Hand: acoustic blues stomp, that develops into a rock out just as the track is finishing.
Both Sides Now: A happier tune, upbeat acoustic mid paced rock tune.
The Yogi's So High: The most Van Halen sounding number on the album, as Sammy does his best Eddie Van Halen guitar impersonation. Sounds like a really laid back Eddie solo, but I couldn't select an album that it would fit into.
Amnesty Is Granted: Sammy has taken this tune, stripped it right back, to a ballad feel. Awesome lyrics about his personal struggle.
Marching To Mars: Featuring Micky Hart of the Greatful Dead, the most experimental track of them all, a drum heavy rock track, with a great dual guitar and drum lead beat, and a few cool twists.

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