Track Listing
· Luna
· Here We Are
· The Asylum
· Winter
· If Memory Calls
· Harmony
· Freedom
· Magik Bag
· The Forest
· Beggar's Day
· Flame
· Waiting For You
· Shala Land
· Produced By: Not Listed
· Running Time: 62.47 · Genre: Modern Rock
· Release Date: Out Now · Released: US
· WebLink: Oni Logan · WebLink: Rowan Robertson
At last! The famed Violet's Demise project has been released!
It was the early 90's and Lynch Mob singer Oni Logan teemed up with wiz kid guitarist Rowan Robertson (Dio) to record a modern rock project.
The project was never released due to label problems and the fact that the label really didn't know what to do with it. Some bad quality tapes made it to the traders forums and it became semi-legendary.
So finally, the guys are working together again and have released the album, remastered and more than complete. I say more, as the guys have added 3 other songs to the original 10 track release. It's also under the name Logan/Robertson: Revisited.
This album is very much a case of investigate if it suits your taste.
I'll say without hesitation that it's a fantastic example of what it is, but it isn't going to be for everybody.
Basically, this album was ahead of it's time. This album is a fantastic musical stew of retro 70's hard rock, drenched in a Zeppelinesque sauce and served up on a modern rock table setting. Make sense?
Luna kicks off the album with one of the more eclectic tracks, Logan in full Robert Plant vocal mode.
Harmony is one of the more melodic tracks, with a hint of the Lynch Mob sound present, still mixed with a big dose of Robert Plant.
Quality and consistency is high throughout, with all tracks favoring the modern rock approach.
For those that are familiar with the tracks, you will be pleased to hear the 3 added bonus tracks are of similar overall quality. Two rock hard and one is a very Pearl Jam-ish acoustic rocker.
Just imagine the fact that this album was recorded around the time grunge was breaking, but was still miles ahead of those guys and couldn't get released. Criminal!
The Oni Logan website also has available a new 3 track EP – featuring the song Traces Of Eternity. For the record, this track is another fine addition to the legacy of Violet's Demise.
But take note that the style of this CD isn't going to suit the casual melodic rock fan. It's a little to modern and isn't an album that features a lot of easy to grasp hooks. Personally it's not really my style, but there is no denying the quality of the music.
And there is one other release available – a new 2 track Oni Logan EP Head Set. This features two tracks – Damaged and My Part Of Town. I personally love these two tracks to bits.
Both are acoustic pop rockers and hold a big retro rock vibe, not too far removed from the electric album tracks, but a cool change in pace. This time you could compare them to something the Black Crowes might be comfortable singing.
The Bottom Line
I haven't nominated any favorite tracks, nor a Buy it if You Liked recommendation. Rather, check this out for yourselves. It's a hard one to call….It's modern rock, but has classic rock roots and is highly recommended for those that are looking for a devious twist in proceedings.
Line Up
· Oni Logan: Vocals
· Rown Robertson: Guitar
· Scott Coogan: Drums
· Spencer Campbell: Bass