a l b u m r e v i e w s


MTM Music
Produced by: Bob Held

Released: July 24 / Website
Closest Relative: Deep Purple, Rainbow
GENRE: Hard Rock

  1. No Salvation
  2. Holy Man
  3. Anything
  4. Honest Crime
  5. Wolves At The Door
  6. Angel
  7. Something New
  8. Freedom's Wings
  9. Love Is Blind
  10. Midnight In Tokyo
  11. Babylon
  12. Closer
  13. Too Blue To Sing The Blues

Joe's last album Hurry Up And Wait was a pretty good rock n roll album. I liked the sound and I thought Joe put in a great vocal performance.
On Holy Man things are taken to yet another level. For long time fans of Joe Lynn Turner, this album is going to be well received and appreciated. This is his most consistent solo album to date.
This is a record for those who wish Rainbow were still together and who are looking for Joe to rock out.
The joint organ/guitar blues drenched hard rocking opening chords of No Salvation and the trademark JLT cry indicate where things stand. This is more traditional blues hard rock and more where Joe's roots lie. The main point is the fact this record comes down to better or songs and a better sound. At the very least, this record has been written with a specific aim/sound in mind.
The pace of the songs vary from the flat out rockers No Salvation, Holy Man, Midnight In Tokyo and Babylon to the mid tempo, but heavy blues rock of Honest Crime, Wolves At The Door and Love Is Blind to the more laid back and AOR friendly Angel and Closer.
The closing track Too Blue To Sing The Blues is as close to Joe doing BB King as you will get.
The album is primarily dominated by the voice, but next is an equal mix of guitar and organ with the addition of a solid rhythm section.
BOTTOM LINE: An album for traditional bluesy hard rock fans and an album for long time Joe Lynn Turner fans. Full of great songs and great vocals that are drenched with passion. Can't go wrong.
ESSENTIAL FOR: Every Joe Lynn Turner fan, plus fans of Deep Purple & Rainbow style blues rock.
DISCOGRAPHY:Rainbow, Deep Purple, Mothers Army, Yngwie Malmsteen; Solo - Rescue You . Nothing's Changed . Under Cover . Hurry Up And Wait . Undercover 2 . Holy Man

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