AOR Heaven NEH Records Z-Roxx Loud 1 Groove Machine Destiny Target Wishing Well Perris


Lion Music LMC 2103
Produced by: Various

Released: OUT / Website
GENRE: Hard Rock

  • For a full track listing and album credits for this 2CD set - see the Jason Becker Tribute page for details, plus MP3 samples of some tracks.

Everyone by now should be aware of the plight of Jason Becker - the virtuoso hotshot guitarist that has been struck down with ALS.
In the time that he was still a touring and practicing musician, Jason was involved in some incredible bands and line ups and also made a few of his own solo records - one of which (Perspective) was recently re-released and is still quite ground breaking.
In tribute to Jason and raising money for him is this record, involving many of his great friends and some new comers, unaware of his immense talent and his predicament. They are now...
Some of the featured artists on Wilderness include Phantom Blue, Johnny Lima and Pamme (Haven), Lars Eric Mattsson, Rolf Monkes, Stormwind, Ted Poley, Gerhard Pilcher, Eric Zimmerman, Alex Masi, Robin McAuley, James Byrd, Mike Campese, Mark Boals, Ron Keel & Iron Horse, Hit The Ground Running and Jeff Pilson.
Quite a line up and there's still more not mentioned. The 29 track album is the finest tribute to one artist you could wish for and I recommend any guitar loving fan check this out pronto - especially if you are already converted to the Becker fanclub.
Favourite tracks - definitely the very superbly sultry version of Tell The Truth (Pamme & Johnny Lima), Hammerhead Shark (Mark Boals & Eric Mattsson), Tribal (Anders Johansson) and Rain (Eric Zimmerman).
BOTTOM LINE: One of the best tribute albums to hit the market thus far. And for one of the best causes. At 29 tracks, it's also one of the best value releases.
I hope Jason gets as big a buzz from this record that the people playing on it obviously got. The energy of the covers show that with ease.
Primarily for fans of Japan and for any guitar freaks out there - there are more guitar solos, overdubs, fret attacks and duelling guitar parts on here to keep any guitar fan in heaven for months.
ESSENTIAL FOR: Fans of guitar players, especially those that shred - All Jason Becker fans and fans of those artists involved here.

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