a l b u m r e v i e w s

Produced by: Stephen DeAcutis
  1. Hearts On The Loose
  2. Yesterday's Gone
  3. Deep Inside Our Hearts
  4. Surprise Attack
  5. Only Make Believe
  6. Behind Closed Doors
  7. Love Emergency
  8. Surrender Your Heart
  9. Dangerous Nights
  10. Will I See You In My Dreams?
  11. Things We Did For Love
Escape Music's latest find is another solid 80's loving act with plenty of keyboards involved.
But this time it's a little heavier and is more guitar orientated than a few of the past releases. This album is stright out of text book US stadium rock in the vein of Survivor and Bon Jovi.
For AOR fans, it also sees the return of excellent Shotgun Symphony vocalist Tracy White. The guitarist George Karak is also the principle song writer.
And that is where Intruder has it's strong points. good songs.
Hearts On The Loose opens the album and is a cool melodic rocker, but track 2 is what does it for me.
Yesterday's Gone is a guitar and keyboard rocker that jumps to a chorus that is urgent and anthemic, while the backing vocals lift it even higher. Best track of the album.
There have been plenty of comparisons made to Survivor and it is a familiar style, but it is in the quality of the songs that it counts.
Like one track here and you will like them all, as it is a very consistent record.
Other highlights include the mid paced (very Jimi Jamison) Deep Inside Our Hearts, the huge power ballad Only Make Believe (raise your hand and sway them gently...),
the tougher and cool gritty guitar sound of Behind Closed Doors and the mid paced ballad Love Emergency.
It's pretty hard to single out tracks, as they are pretty cool.
So if it is a taste of commercial keyboard/guitar staidium rock you need, take a look at Intruder.
ESSENTIAL FOR: All Escape Music fans, Survivor/Bon Jovi and stadium rock fans.

b a c k t o i n d e x