Review Ratings
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ACT Last Epic | Atenzia ATZ 02005 |
I really didn't get into the band's other two albums. Granted their style isn't for your average melodic rock fan, nor those that like things pretty simple. But I just didn't like the singer and the band's sound. On album number 3, this Swedish progressive rock outfit have changed things around a little bit, improving their production quality and general song quality. But I remain unsold on their style, which is progressive pomp in the vein of Queen, Yes and early Styx. While I appreciate those acts a great deal, there's something here that I don't get. Anyway, that's just me. Prog/pomp fans and those into the European styling of ACT's past albums will only find more to love here, as it still rates as easily their best album. |
Best of Seven Best of Seven |
Best Of Seven are a cool new band out of the USA, with a strong nu-breed sound in the vein of Marvellous 3 and 40ft Ringo with a dash of Cheap Trick's pop sensibilities for good measure. A solid production quality allows the songs to be heard in a manner befitting their catchiness and those into the more modern rock / punk-pop leanings of the nu-breed style would be well advised to check this out. Tracks like Anything and the great ballad Sleep have as good a chance of airplay than many other acts out there, one can only hope that they are given such a chance. The album has a great energy and the addition of a couple of good rock ballads into the mix only enhances the flow of the album. |
Pretty Maids Live At Least |
There's not much to comment on song wise, as these live albums are directly aimed at established fans of the band. Pretty Maids' album is no different. But how about the sound? Sounds pretty good to these ears. It's heavy, loud and in your face....with a live capture that's pretty raw and intense, as is the pace of the set list. New tracks like Virtual Brutality fit into the mix quite nicely, as the band cover their ever expanding catalogue of songs. Recommended - for fans, that is! |
Stryper Seven | Hollywood Records |
This is a solid best of collection that covers the band's recording career to date, with the added bonus of two fresh new tracks. Again aimed at established fans and the more casual fan that wants a collection of best tracks all in one package, the set includes a good number of songs. The 2 new tracks remain the main talking point. Something sees the band updating their sound - no surprise if you have heard the guy's individual solo works. But the modern sounding hard rocker Something has 'something' going for it - a good strong guitar riff and a powerful chorus with a good hook. For You is the other new track - another heavy rock track, with a more intense sound and slower pace, it still features a strong chorus which fans should embrace. A good collection with 2 promising new tracks. |
TNT The Big Bang - Best of | Universal 039 184-2 |
A highly recommended Best of collection this. Especially for the crisp remastered sound which makes a few of the older tracks really come to life again. Nothing really missing here, although a couple of tracks from the Spitfire release Transistor would have padded out the recent years portion of the set. The two new tracks are fabulous, but we have covered those already in the EP review - as we did for the unreleased bonus track Destiny. Yes, for fans only, but with the band back in the limelight, a great place for Westworld fans and other new comers to see what the guys have done over the years. |
Twinball Remnants Of A Broken Soul |
Sweden Rock SRR-003 |
Sweden's Twinball have recorded a memorable debut here. This European flavoured hard rock album rocks hard, without any overly commercial songs, but a great production sound and a killer ear-splitting guitar sound. It's a powerful hard rock album that should be checked out by those wanting something different, something heavy and something that still remembers to be melodic. Imagine a less commercial Dogface or a heavier Alfonzetti? Check out their heavy rock cover of Chris DeBurg's Don't Pay The Ferryman. Sorry that the review is late, but don't miss this album if you love hard rocking Swedish bands - these guys are one of the better ones out there. Strong and melodic lead vocals are a highlight. |
FM Long Time No See | Escape Music ESM-086 |
Well, it's a fabulous package isn't it? This 3CD Digi-Pack release covers the Paraphernalia album, Aphrodisiac release and Live At The Astoria, all with a few bonus tracks for good measure. The package is an easy purchase for fans without the releases and the general packaging is excellent. Hopefully this set will signal a return to active duties for the cult UK act. |
Various Artists Rock The Nations III |
Z Records |
Set up to act as a promotional tool for labels, these samplers have become quite popular and a good way to preview new acts and new material before the official release. Unfortunately in Z's case, the label has been hit with an exodus of acts, as they all bail on the label for questionable business dealings. Of all the artists featured here there are only 4 or 5 that will ever see a new release put out by the label, most of them having moved on to new deals. Not the most fitting tribute. This compilation features unreleased Vaughn, Seven Wishes, Arabia, Life and Humanimal tracks. (Unreleased in Europe that is…) |
Brian Howe Touch | MTM Music 0681-69 |
This is Brian's only solo album, released in 1997 in the US and repackaged and re-titled here for a European release. The album is filled with balladesque AOR numbers, a more mature, laid back and mellow version of Brian's time with Bad Company. Produced by long time friend Terry Thomas, the quality is unquestioned and if you don't already own this album and you like a bit of ballad-rock then do check this out. It doesn't come much smoother! |