

Indie Release
Produced by: Henry Lee Summer

Released: OUT / Website
GENRE: Pop Rock

  1. Dancing To The Big Drum
  2. Since I Met You
  3. Happy World
  4. Keep On Smilin'
  5. Shine On Me
  6. It's All Right
  7. That's What I Like
  8. What Am I To You
  9. It's In Your Eyes
  10. Prime Of Life
  11. Dancing To The Big Drum (Reprise)

Henry Lee Summer is a vastly underrated individual. He really is a major song writing talent, who is able to diversify his style without ever losing his sound.
Every album he has release has been a little different from the last and Big Drum is no different.
He started with a country pop twang, headed for a more comfortable Midwestern rock feel, then headed in a harder melodic rock direction and in more recent times has returned to what he is best at - stripped back, honest Americana rock n roll.
On Big Drum the sound continues on the path his last album Smoke & Mirrors, but in an even more simplified pop rhythm style. At times it sounds like classic 80's pop, other times a more retro suited 70's R&B vibe.
The production is very open, live and simple. The packaging is just as simple. This is a low cost album, with a big heart.
Basically, Big Drum is a simple happy pop rocking album that makes you feel good when playing it! That's what music is all about isn't it?!!
Henry tackles a few styles - each with ease.
Dancing To The Big Drum is a high spirited pop rocker, with a danceable beat and a catchy as hell chorus. Love it.
Since I Met You and Happy World are both typical of Henry's earthy Midwestern sound and the feel of his debut album. Laid back and acoustic driven, but like Dancing - catchy and likable as hell!
Keep On Smilin' has a real simple popish R&B mid-tempo rhythm to it, complete with a bluesier sound, harmony vocals and a lower octave vocal.
Shine On Me is melodic genius! This track is up up up and has a great feel good hook to it. The underlying R&B feel is still there and the song rocks along nicely.
The album changes pace totally with the sultry and moody pop song It's All Right. Generally a soft rocker, the track lifts for the chorus and the end of the song. Yabba dabba do now baby...
That's What I Like is different again while retaining the vibe of the rest of the album. This uptempo track has another danceable beat and a real commercial 80's feel to it.
The happy 70's vibes just overflow on What Am I To You. Once again, a pompish danceable R&B feel rules the song, one that sounds not unfamiliar to something The Supreme's might record!
It's In Your Eyes settles things back down again, with a rootsy Midwestern pop rock song.
Prime Of Life is sensational. I love songs that tell a story and Henry Lee is one of the best suited to do this. Just check out his live album and see what I mean.
This soft piano / guitar song features a raw, honest vocal that sends a shiver down your spine. A emotional, but happy feel good song that typifies the album and highlights what a good mood Mr. Summer must be in.
Dancing To The Big Drum (Reprise) is simply that - a short outro to a wonderful record.
BOTTOM LINE: Henry Lee Summer is a songwriting genius. No one captures the essence of a simple, catchy pop rock song like Henry does.
Anyone who can get the lyrics 'Yabba Dabba Do now baby...' into a song deserves a instant Grammy and to sell a million records.
Quite simply, this is another awesome addition to the Midwestern styled pop rock legacy that his Henry's work. Essential!
ESSENTIAL FOR: All Henry Lee Summer fans and fans of great catchy Midwestern pop rock.
DISCOGRAPHY:Henry Lee Summer . Way Past Midnight . Slamdunk . Smoke & Mirrors . Live . Big Drum

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