a l b u m r e v i e w s


WEA Japan WPCR-10595
Produced by: Harem Scarem

Released: OUT NOW / Website
Closest Relative: Too Diverse

  1. Honestly
  2. Slowly Slipping Away
  3. Something To Say
  4. Stranger Than Love
  5. If There Was A Time
  6. Just Like I Planned
  7. Mandy
  8. Let It Go
  9. Necessary Evil
  10. Rain
  11. Hail Hail
  12. The Mirror
  13. In My State Of Mind
  14. Without You
  15. Remember
  16. Why
Any die hard Harem Scarem fan needs this release. What a sensational collection of songs. It is only when you listen to all the tracks back to back, you realize what a great band they are.
And don't say they aren't any longer. Anyone who lost patience with the regular style changes and haven't got the band's last couple of albums should use this compilation to re-invigorate their interest in them. Guaranteed their rock sound has changed, but putting these ballads and moody mid paced tunes all together on one CD showcases some brilliant songwriting. And when it comes to the softer side of the band, the style difference is not as great. Just plenty of great ballads.
It may even cause you to pick up an album you had previously written off.
But for the die hards who have everything - you will just want to know about the new tracks, eh?
Remember and Why are both new ballads. Not unreleased left-overs - sorry Mood Swings fans. But that is not necessarily a bad thing. They are both high class ballads, like we would expect to get anything else.
Unlike tracks like Necessary Evil, these are true ballads with hooks and heartfelt vocals, just done in the style of the more recent albums Big Bang Theory and Believe.
They are also nothing like anything on Rubber. They are true Harem Scarem Ballads.
Remember is modern and laid back, with a classy chorus.
Why is soft electric to start with, before a bridge leads to a chorus that contains some great vocals. In fact Harry Hess' voice contains all the hooks, as the instrumentation remains pretty straight throughout the song. But it's again all class.
BOTTOM LINE: Despite the cries of cash-in and over exposure this is 17 brilliant ballads unrivalled by anything else out there. The masters of melodic music are still unrivalled as this compilation demonstrates.
ESSENTIAL FOR: Harem Scarem die hards and those after a great collection of AOR ballads.
DISCOGRAPHY:Harem Scarem . Mood Swings . Live And Acoustic . Voice Of Reason . Live In Japan . Believe . Believe Special Edition . Live At The Siren . Big Bang Theory . Best Of . B-Sides Collection . Rubber . Ballads

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