a l b u m r e v i e w s

Produced by: Emerald Rain
  1. No Saviors
  2. Desperate Heart
  3. Never Surrender
  4. Don't Tell The Rain
  5. Sleeping In The Fire
  6. Endless Grey
  7. Never Let You Go
  8. Barely Holding On
  9. Age Of Innocence
  10. The Method
  11. Come Clean
  12. Your Disguise
Emerald Rain were on their debut, compared to a heavier Harem Scarem.
Album two is more of the same. In fact they are now even closer to the classic Harem Scarem 'Mood Swings' sound. Should this be a problem?
Well, probably not, considering that Harem Scarem don't even do Harem Scarem anymore!
So I welcome anything along those lines. But it is hard to hear such great music, with such close resemblance to something, being played by a band that is not the original. They always will get grief for not being original, even though they are providing something that everyone has been asking for, from the original....get it?!!
So if you place aside the fact that this is obviously so close to Harem Scarem and just enjoy it, you will discover another great melodic hard rock record.
Mike Dmitrovic is a classy guitarist, emulating some of Scarem's Pete Lesperance's classic guitar moves, while adding a heavier more riff filled edge to the sound.
What the band lack though, is Harry Hess. Murry Diagle is not as strong a singer, but the band add plenty of harmony vocals to make up the difference.
The guys also don't write songs that are as immediately commercial or as catchy as Harem Scarem. But given a fair chance, they do grow on you.
In fact I think the album really starts cooking after track 3. The opening tracks rock well, but it's Don't Tell The Rain where the classy stuff starts. It's a classic melodic anthem and one that should be given good air time somewhere...Killer track.
The three tracks that follow are all harmony filled moody rockers, with Never Let You Go being a strong ballad.
Barely Holding On isn't as strong, but the title track makes up for that.
The Method is great and Come Clean is classic Harem Scarem at their best. Another classic cut.
In fact the last four tracks are all very very strong and highly enjoyable.
BOTTOM LINE: If you can get past the fact this is not Harem Scarem or a band just imitating them, you will find a good album of commercial melodic rock, with all the ingredients of a great album.
There is still room to improve, but with the band due back for more next year, it looks very promising indeed.
ESSENTIAL FOR: Fans of Canadian hard rock, heavy AOR and Harem Scarem and fans of the debut album.
DISCOGRAPHY:Broken Saviours . Age Of Innocence

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