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WW3 Music 71169
Produced by: Cage

Released: OUT NOW / Website
Relatives: Judas Priest, Iron Maiden
GENRE: Heavy Metal

  1. Astrology
  2. Final Solution
  3. Psychotically Deranged
  4. The Edge
  5. Echelon
  6. Root Of All Evil
  7. The Trigger Effect
  8. Souls & Flesh
  9. Fountain Of Youth
  10. Broken Dreams
  11. Vandalize
  12. Victim Of Society
  13. The Astrologicon

For all those mourning the demise of Megadeth, or wish for heavier, more consistent Judas Priest records, Cage might just be the answer you are looking for.
This Californian metal outfit play it hard and loud, but also with a lot of style. This is certainly heavy, but it has a melodic / commercial edge that bands Priest used to their advantage for years.
The album features lot of in your face screams, some sonically ear blasting guitar riffs, a heavy rhythm section and an attitude bound to attract plenty of fans.
The vocalist has a classic Halford style delivery, but with a darker tone and deeper range.
With a little good PR, there is no reason why these guys can't become huge, as long as they remain as consistent as this with their songwriting, that should happen.
BOTTOM LINE: An album you can't argue with. If you did, it would jump through the speakers and strangle you to death. So play it loud and step away from the stereo.
On a serious note, a very solid, very heavy American metal album.
ESSENTIAL FOR: Fans of American heavy metal, fans that want their floor to shake and windows to break.

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