Skin Tag – Part One: Jimmy Lawrence
Thanks Jimmy for taking the time to talk about your
new band Skin Tag!
Andrew, no problem, you were always very supportive of me,
....I appreciate that!!!!
Jimmy, you previously made your debut with a record
that took several years to see the light of day, with the excellent melodic
rock album The World Is Round, thru MTM Music.
every dog has it's day!
Was it frustrating for you to see that album be released and then have further label problems getting a
second album recorded?
I don’t
know if frustrating is the right word. I am pretty numb from the dysfunction of
the music biz.....It's kinda like that drunk uncle
you see at the holidays. You don't really look forward to seeing him but you
know you have to at some point. You try not to get too upset or pissed when he
screws up because after all he's a drunk. That's how I view the music big drunk fucking uncle. You can't begin to try to figure it out.
It will only frustrate you and make you crazy. Thankfully, I don't need it to
feed my family.
Were you happy at least with the fan feedback?
cool fans are the only reward, let’s be honest about this. There really is no
money in it at this level. You spend every cent you make trying to make a great
CD. People gettin' off on your
music is the only reward. It's vanity really.
On what grounds did your dealings with MTM come to a
did they come to a close???.......I plan on doing another solo record
soon.....can you give 'em a call for me?
You have become a popular contributor to some message
boards and the fans in general, do you enjoy the
option of interaction that the Internet offers?
and no, I always thought it would be cool to interact but it is becoming
increasingly bothersome. I would rather fans email me
in the future for a more one on one approach. I love to talk to fans and
appreciate the feedback but let's face it, the anonymity of message boards has
given root to a lot of pot shots.....I can take it but it has gotten boring...I
mean who the hell is redrover
or pimpdaddy anyway???...anonymity makes a lot of
weak people very brave…anonymous critics are useless, they have no credentials
they have no worth...please, If you're gonna piss on
my face at least take your mask off. I mean isn't it hard to have a serious
debate with a made up posting name. Maybe that was where I went wrong. I took
that stuff as real opinions and it was all make believe. I don't no. I am still
trying to figure the whole thing out.
You also ran the recording diary with Now & Then's site - did you enjoy the process of recording? And
did you enjoy the process of reporting back your progress?
enjoy anything that gets people into what I am doing; I remember reading liner
notes on the albums I bought. I loved it. I thought the diary was kind of an
extension of that.
How far back do the songs on Skin Tag go? I am
presuming the songs started off as a follow up to your debut?
are older, some were written a couple a weeks before
recording, the cool thing is that nobody can tell. If you can figure it out let
me know, you could win the all expense trip to Danziland
for a game of "knockout 2000"on Playstation…)
Great, I’ll do that! How did your partner in crime
Charlie Calv get involved in this project?
at MTM hooked us up. When we got done with the demos he already knew he was
leaving there so he kinda waved us off. We had a
couple of offers. Z passed because he said he didn't think the guitars were
heavy enough. I told him I didn't think he really listened to the demo. He
never wrote back.
guess that was a I had an interesting
offer from another label and it was for more money than Now&Then/Frontiers
but it was for one CD only.
thought it was noble of Now & Then to commit to 2 CD's. Mark was willing to
try to build a little bit. That's rare.
I think you guys make excellent partners, the
production quality of this album is higher than average....
worked his ass off. He is a great guy. We cut no corners and we asked for a lot
of favors to get this up to speed. I really wasn't sure I was gonna do another record. Charlie made it such a cool
experience that I am now happy I did.
And the rest of the guys? How did
they come into the picture?
brought them in. It was his call. I think he has great ears. Any bands out
there looking for a producer would be well served to look him up!
What was your intention in writing this new material?
To me, it retains a classic AOR base, but is more technical and certainly more
Is that a natural thing in your writing, or something
you worked harder to achieve?
I knew it had to be different. It wasn't that I was trying to be
different. I think subconsciously I knew. It's weird how that works sometimes
and hard to explain. Sometimes you're right and sometimes you're wrong. I
definitely like people digging what I do but that is not the main reason I do
it. I love to sing. Period. I sing all the time.
Sometimes it's embarrassing. But I can't help it. Singing is my vice. It's a
drug to me. After singing a few songs I literally feel high. It must be an
oxygen thing. If I put on "Double Vision"
in my car and sing it top to bottom I get stoned. It's great!
that to my desire to create and bam... You gotta a
guy that writes songs and will sing even to himself. No rehab required!!!
How do you personally describe the sound and style of
Skin Tag and these songs recorded on the debut album?
can't really describe it. I just write and sing songs. I like the way you
describe them though. The people do too. That must be why you have over 4
million visits to MR.C and I don't even have a website. You da man. You're giving the people what they want.
Thank god for you.
Thanks Jimmy, too kind of you though! The songs on
Skin Tag are catchy as hell, but also musically interesting.
I love the atmosphere of tracks like Rainy Monday and
All The Way Home for example. Then there is a track like You
Gotta Love It, which differs from the album somewhat.
I point out the end 30 seconds of that track as an
example of you guys trying to mix it up a little with some interesting musical
twists. Would that be an accurate assumption?
know that's a great assumption. Charlie just let the guys have fun. We wanted
to jam a little bit. I didn't want a record of me just singing songs. I think
we accomplished that. There are songs there and more. That's what I love about
progressive bands. (not that I think this is anywhere
near progressive) But Kansas could play a song and give you a lot more
too.....Sure, "Dust in the Wind" is a formula acoustic ballad but
"Point of know Return" is a song plus....though I knew we couldn't
get that crazy we wanted to add some stuff to make you wanna
see the band live. I hope we did and you do.
Jimmy, would you mind going track by Track thru the
album and give a few words about each track?
very cool track, I loved it first time I heard it. Heavy guitars, I just dug
the feel. It has a deep purple vibe to me. Cool One
Rainy Monday
I like the flowing lyric in the verses
You Gotta Love
One of my Faves, cool rawness. Danceable
All The Way
Pop song
Remember The Times
wanted to do this one.
Under My Skin
Another favorite. The chorus opens up so beautifully. I wish I wrote it.
Forever In My Life
Standing In The
Bluesy kinda shuffle thing. Simple
Lyric. Good melody
Nothing Left But
Charlie kicked this ones ass.
On The Run
Rocker, fun live gig song. I changed the lyric at the last minute. That saved
it for me.
Where to from here Jimmy? Are there any live dates for
the band planned?
planned. i have been
pitching a bunch of my stuff in LA to TV and movie companies. We'll see what
I hope to at least see you guys at the Gods 2002?
ME too !!!
Any NY area gigs planned?
stuff in the
works. Nothing to talk about yet.
And Skin Tag 2 can be expected when? LOL!!!
will start it right after I finish my next solo album (hey, could you get me a
deal for that?)
You have certainly experienced more than the average
artist, so from that perspective, how do you view the current melodic rock
I Think the entire music scene as a whole is moving closer to
music I like to write and perform. I like what's going on.
Where do you see it going next?
Arena Rock. I want my arena rock!!
And to put you on the spot - what is right with it and
what, if anything, do you see wrong with the scene as it stands?
all good. I mean music to me is great, It's like going
to a puppy store. 50 different puppies some big some small.
Some pure bred some mutts. I listen to
all types of music so I love it all. I am thankful that some of the demo
retreads are over from the late 80's. I thought that was kinda
bogus. But obviously it wasn't that lucrative.
Is there anything the average fan/reader of my site
could do to help musicians and artists such as yourself and the scene in
(that's buy not burn lol!) the CD and tell you're
friends and neighbors. Word of mouth is a powerful marketing tool. Request it
at radio. Even if you know they won't play it. Make noise.
I know you guys are all Eastcoast
based, how are things going in the wake of the Sept. 11 tragedy?
hard to drive up the NJ turnpike and not see the twin towers still standing
there. I am a person that believes that from all tragedy something positive
must come. I believe it in this case too.
I hope everyone you and the band know are safe and
accounted for....
Anything you would like to add Jimmy?
I wanna thank you for everything you have done and
all that you continue to do for music. Without guys like you there could never
be guys like me. (So your to blame!!!)
Anytime Jimmy…Thanks again!
you and Keep rockin' bro!!!!
Skin Tag – Part Two: Charlie Calv
G'Day Charlie!
Congratulations on the Skin Tag debut!
Thanks for taking the time to talk about your new
band Skin Tag!
My Pleasure.
Charlie, you have been in a couple of bands
previously and several
recording projects. What parts of those do you
bring to the Skin Tag project?
A little bit of everything. You learn so much over the years and
especially working with different people.
The obvious would be my keyboard ideas and sounds. It seems no matter what I do you can usually
see my influence on it, which I hope isn’t a bad thing.
Congratulations on the production quality of the
album. Is that something you enjoy taking control of?
Thanks I appreciate the compliment, but I don’t like
the word control, sounds to egotistical.
I’m more like someone who tries to take all these
great ideas and personalities and make them all work together. My production is very old school.
Selecting the songs, getting the right musicians,
selecting the right studios, getting the right arrangements, creating the vibe,
doing what’s right for the musicians and the songs. It’s all about compromise not control.
Believe me, I have been controlled and it
sucks. It is the most none creative
environment to be in and I would hope I never do that to anyone. Am I going off on a tangent?! Anyway, yes I did enjoy doing this record
very much.
Do you prefer studio work or playing live when you
Lately I have been more into working in the studio
then playing live, I am actually in right now with a wonderful female artist
that I hope you will be hearing more of shortly. I have not actually toured in quite some
time. I have two small boys that I love
to hang out with, can’t do that when you are on the road. I will do the occasional one off though.
What is your favorite project you have been involved
in before this one?
As a whole, definitely Shotgun
Symphony. Great experience and some great times.
Did you enjoy the process of running the recording
diary with Now & Then's site?
Yes, it was kind of
cool. I think it was a great idea that
Mark came up with. Kind of gave people
an inside look as to what goes on with making a record.
How did you come to hook up with Jimmy?
I was speaking to Magnus over at MTM about another
project and he had mentioned that he had this guy Jimmy Lawrence that he wanted
to do more of a heavy rock record with.
So I asked him to send me a CD, as I was not familiar with Jimmy’s
work. I listened to it and thought the
songs were really good but definitely more pop than rock. So at first I did not know what to think of
the idea, but I thought there was definitely potential to do something really
As it turned out Jimmy lived only 15 minutes from me
and the rest is history (lol). So to make a long story short, we did some
demos, Magnus left MTM and Mark at Now and Then picked it up.
I think you guys make excellent partners, the production
quality of this
album is higher than average....
again, Jimmy and I are definitely and interesting pair. How did that song go, “He’s a little bit
country I’m a little bit Rock N’ Roll (lol)? Seriously, Jimmy is great to work with.
I said to Jimmy and I will say again to you - the
music and the songs on
this album seem a little more musically
adventurous than your average
melodic rock. Was that the plan and how do you
go about constructing the
sound for this album?
I definitely had that
overall vision ahead of time and as you can see we achieved just that. It was really taking Jimmy’s mainly pop tunes
and trying to stretch them out a bit by using some interesting arrangements. I think at times the guys thought I was completely
out of my fucking mind as they probably did not see where I was going with
But, in the end I think
everyone was pleased. I definitely
wanted to keep it polished and well produced sonically but also wanted to make
it not sterile and predictable. As I
think you said in your review, you have to listen to it a couple of times to
really start to get it.
How do you personally describe the sound and style of
Skin Tag and these songs recorded on the debut album?
Just melodic rock.
What are your favorite moments on the album?
Personal favorites would
have to be “You Gotta Love It” and “Nothing Left But Time”. “You Gotta Love It” just came out so cool and “Nothing Left But Time” I think is one great piece of music, complete classic.
Where to from here for the band?
Buy everyone new homes with all the cash we made (lol)? Wait a minute,
Dave and I just bought new homes…don’t tell Jimmy he’s been wondering what
happened to the money (lol). On a more serious note I would hope to start
working on a new record after the New Year and possibly some live dates as
I also asked this of Jimmy, but here are those
questions for you!
How do you view the current melodic rock scene?
It depends on what you are
talking about. I think the more modern
Melodic Rock scene (ala Train, Vertical Horizon, et…)
is thriving as the older Melodic Rock scene (ala Journey, Foreigner, etc…) is
starting to fade and becoming more of a nostalgic thing. Please don’t take that
the wrong way as I am a huge supporter of those bands but you also have to be
realistic. The 80’s were the 80’s as was
the 70’s, 60’s, 50’s, etc… There will
always be melodic rock, just in different forms.
Where do you see it going next?
I think you will see more and
more bands going in a melodic direction with more hooks but definitely not the
way most AOR fans would hope. I would
say more like Train’s “Drops of Jupiter”, not like Journey (no offense guys).
And to put you on the spot - what is right with it and
what, if anything, do you see wrong with the scene as it stands?
Personally I think in recent years and this might be
a bold statement but there has been a lot of crap being released. Bad songs, bad production,
bad bands and a lot of the same things just being reshaped and repackaged.
On the flip side there has
been some promising newer acts. I think
Gary is doing a great job with TEN (probably
the direction Shotgun Symphony would of headed if we remained focused) and I
loved the Higher Ground record
from a little while back, great production and great songs. I think everyone has to embrace some of the
newer acts doing melodic rock in order for it to thrive and not just become a
thing of the past.
Is there anything the average fan/reader of my site
could do to help Musicians and artists such as yourself and the scene in
our records (lol). Seriously, as I said, give newer
artists a chance and be open to some change. You might actually like some stuff
if you give it a listen with an open mind.
It’s you guys that will make or break an artist and keep this genre of
music alive.
Anything you would like to add Charlie?
Just want to thank everyone for letting me continue
to make records.
Personally, what other projects have you got lined up
for 2002 and what can we look forward to?
am producing a female artist from Philadelphia named Christina Conti. Great melodic rocking
tunes. It looked as if Z Records
was going to pick it up but it never happened.
So I am in the studio with her right now working on some material. I was also playing with Where’s
Mary w/Russell Arcara and Mike Maino
but have recently stopped as it was just to time consuming.
were being courted around by SONY last year but as you could imagine nothing
ever came of it but a lot of working and reworking and nothing to show
for. It was some great pop material,
they are continuing on as a four piece. Going to be doing a solo record with Tracy White and then the new
Skin Tag record. I also have my
own company that helps artists with licensing (e.g. Prophet, Good Rats, etc…),
publishing (Melodica, House of Shakira,
Tour DeForce, Phantom’s Opera, etc…) and production
(Skin Tag, Christina Cont, etc...). Check it out:
On a side note - what are your favorite
bands/artists/influences over the years?
Led Zeppelin, Black Sabbath, Rush, Van Halen (what is up with that?!!), Yes, Kansas, Saga, Angel,
House of Lords, etc….
And what are you listening to these days?
stuff. Actually I love a lot of newer bands like
Train, Robbie Williams, Vertical Horizon, Live, Stone Temple Pilots, Foo Fighters, Godsmack, Creed,
Thanks again for answering these questions!
Take care….