Good of you to call Paul, how are thing's going with you and your new partner?
Me and Jimmy are really hitting it off well and we're going to have a great big future together, he's a great player.

Tell me how you two together?
We got together, actually through a mutual friend of ours who used to play drums for Jefferson Airplane if you can believe that. Joey Cummings. We did a gig together. He gave me a call and Jimmy a call and that's how we hooked up.
From that moment on it was like love at first sight. I fell in love with his guitar playing and he fell in love with my voice. We've taken it to a new level and in about a month we're really gonna let the cat out of the bag on what's really going on. I know you'll be pleasantly happy and a lot of people will with what we're coming out with. So that's how we hooked up and we've been rehearsing and we've been working on the new record. It's gonna be very heavy, very guitar and vocal orientated. Some of the good old hard rock coming back.

Tell me about it!
People need to start singing again.
Now at least with the Backstreet Boys and stuff they're getting back to singing. At least they're singing and not just rapping. It's a little too sweet for me. I like a little hard edge to the music, you know haha.

Yeah, now we just have to teach these bands what instruments are...
Haha. I just did a song last night - me and Jimmy are doing a Cult tribute song. We are doing Sweet Soul Sister - last night we did a Scorpion song Holiday coming out on Cleopatra
That'll be the first thing we do in the studio together.

A good tune for your voice...
We'll send you a copy when it's done, do you wanna speak to Jimmy?

Here's Jimmy...

Hey Jimmy, how are you?
Hey Andrew, what's happening there man?

Just relaxing...
Lucky man

Where are you guys?

Well I'd like to throw a couple of questions at ya - You guys seem to have hit it off?
We played together one night, a nothing gig really and I heard him sing, loved it to death and we hit it off immediately. Love at first sight…haha

Where was your last gig?
Nothing specific, a lot of session stuff.

So that's where I've been coming from. I've been looking for a singer in LA since '85
No one matched my idea of what rock should have been till now.

Yeah well he's got a voice and a half.
Fucking hell

You used to play with Billy Squire I hear.
I did yeah, 1989.

You were with Aerosmith? In the absence of Joe Perry.
Right '84.

That would have been a blur wouldn't it.
Very much a blur. Well more so a blur for them maybe. Haha

Good guys?
Great guys. Really cool down to earth guys.

How was working with Billy Squire?
Great. I was with him for about a year.

Also with Rod Stewart I hear?
Yeah that was my most current thing

Touring with him?
Yeah we almost made it as far as Australia, got to Singapore.
Went to Brunei.
Crazy country. No one can get in with out being invited. The Sultan threw a party for one of his kids. But that's all I can say as I signed a contract not to talk about it.

You guys are playing the Namm show coming up?
You bet.
An unplugged set.

What else do you hope to do in the New Year?
Play. Get this new project out there. Other than that good health and lots of money.

You and me both!!
Here's Paul again man...

OK! I also wanted to tell you we're back in the studio in Feb to start recording the album.
Also a guy called Steve Payne is hopefully going to direct a video for us in March.
He's done LA Guns, Enuffz Enough. Clips that have made it to MTV.

It's time someone shot a new video.
That's what we wanna do - a video clip that lets people see what we're like on stage.
Anything you wanna ask me?

How about a little about the Stand or Fall album?
Yeah I always wanted to do something like that. I didn't do it for any other reason than I've always wanted to put some blues tunes on record. If some people liked it cool, if not that was cool too. I pretty much wanted to do it for myself. I got some good response from some heavy metals fans.

It's a real blues blues album isn't it?!!
It was so blues we had to add a little thump in there. Kick drum and snare and some different guitar. The original is a bit out there. Traditional blues.

You went from being fairly quiet to having 3 albums in 3 years.

Oh yeah. I definitely am trying to crank it up. Now with Jimmy it's great. Put some good old rock and roll out there.

What happened to the sessions with Dan?
Danny is a really talented person but he's a little overwhelmed with the stock market. Got left a lot of money. He's into that stock market thing, a lot of money. And day traders are very stressful people. Pretty much he just snapped one day and said something to my wife that was uncalled for so I told him to chill out. It wasn't anything personal. He was just under a lot of stress and pressure. Left a lot of crazy things on my machine.

He doesn't look like your average stock broker!! All those tattoos!
Well he's not your average stock broker!
I'm a firm believer that God opens doors for us to do things. It was really a Godsend that Jimmy and I hooked up. We've got a great band. We all have the same respective goals. It's got a very spiritual base. Kinda like a family.

Great. Good going and good luck with this project. We'll be following it closely.
God bless you.
Talk to you later man.

See ya Paul and regards to Jimmy.