I've done a couple of Interviews and Track by Track featyures with Jeff Scott Soto in recent times and was looking for something a little different to do, to promote the release of his great CD and DVD combo, Live At The Gods.
I thought "why not get Jeff to review the set himself?" Maybe then he could add a little information about how both were done and how the live show was set up. And now, 12 months after the show, what Jeff thought of the finished product!
So here is Jeff Scott Soto reviewing Jeff Scott Soto Live At The Gods!
Andrew...ok here it is in all it's self-integument glory!
1st, I'd like 2 start this review by saying I find it extremely odd & offensive that Andrew would ask me 2 do such a thing, but when I thought more about it, I found the idea a fresh & new approach 2 reviewing an album...let the artist do it & prop the hell out of himself! So here goes:
Jeff, I mean 'I', has been around the block for quite some time & has quite an archive of music 2 choose from through the span of his/my sometimes confusing career. Having said this, a debut solo appearance, much less a live recording of it, can only be delivered by giving the people what they want...a 'best of' collection, a favourites' request list of songs that spell out what I've been doing the past 19 years. It wasn't easy, given an hour 2 pull it off in my allotted time slot & the choosing/omitting songs was like having 2 choose which of your many children are favourites, whilst sending the rejects back 2 their closets.
As well, I knew within this hour, I had 2 make my solo debut 1 that would be remembered instead of merely looking like a cheap trip down memory lane...the Gods Festival enabled me 2 do so with a quality audience, a standup showcase & a night that will always go down in history as 'losing my virginity' again...well, sort of!
I assembled my band from players who not only played on my 2nd solo album, Prism, but because they were qualified in duplicating such an array of my past. Howie Simon did a lot of guitar work on the album & is the only guy I know capable of playing everything from the Bee Gees to Yngwie. I brought Gary Schutt, who normally is a phenomenal guitar player, on 2 play bass only because he was the only person I knew who would be able 2 replicate the intricate lines originated by Marcel Jacob, which is no easy feat. As well, Gary's guitar talents an asset in the latter portion of the set, which I'll get 2 later. Both of these guys also can sing perfect & high background vocals which is a MUST 4 my songs. Alex Papa played drums on Prism & he also proved he could bash out my past with the conviction necessary 2 bring it alive. Let me add, 4 those who haven't heard the story a million times already, Howie had never met Gary until 2 days before we left 4 England. He'd met Alex once & we literally had 2 days of rehearsal 2 do this show with the guys learning their parts at home 1st...now I'm not 1 2 be nervous about doing a show under such stressful odds, but 2 film & record it 4 future release, I was on edge about everyone holding their own, much less me!
From the arrival into England, 2 the pre-show mingle/party the night before 2 the actual energy backstage, u could feel all the bands treated this like their shining moment & the audience were right along with us 4 the ride. I decided 2 open our set with a favourite acapella number from the Human Clay debut called 2 Your Heart as our intro...the CD played the backing vox parts & I would walk out onstage singing along with it as the band prepared the assault of Queen's Let Me Entertain You which Talisman covered on an album called Life.
We tied that into another Talisman favourite, Break Your Chains, which solidified we had the audiences' attention. From there, I decided 2 treat them 2 a taste of the new, then unreleased track, How Long from Prism. It went over great as the song was written 2 perform live, even though the crowd had never heard the song previously (Editor's note: I'm not big on doing a lot of new material from a recent album as most of the audience REALLY only want 2 hear what they know...I've seen many a boring concert waiting 4 the best & I kept that in mind here!). We then tapped into my 1st solo album, Love Parade, with the title track which is a great live vehicle just the same...the song pumps!
From there, we went into the unexpected favourite I sang in the movie Rock Star, Stand Up, & that song really brought things 2 the next level. It went over extremely well & even surprised me as 2 how many people knew it. Since the momentum was high there, I hit them with yet another track from Prism, Eyes Of Love, which now having been released is a favourite from the CD...this 1 could well be a signature JSS tune my audiences come 2 expect from me live. Next was my blast through Axel Rudi Pell's Warrior, which was done in true metal tradition...Howie's solo in that 1 just burns.
After leaving them gasping from the ARP archive, I was happy 2 announce the guest appearance of my good friend & longtime musical partner, Pontus Norgren (Talisman, Humanimal) 2 join us 4 a song. Pontus had flown in 2 enjoy the weekend & not only did I ask him 2 make an appearance with me, but he also offered his services in running our sound, which if anyone has ever heard the guy do, they know he's 1 of the best in the business! He's been doing major tours & bands lately as a 2nd trade & is in high demand 4 this service. 4 his visit, we decided on a song from the well received debut Humanimal CD, a favourite of mine Again 2 Be Found. The audience loved it & the energy of having 2 guitarists onstage filled the room with sound & excitement.
We then pelted through a Talisman favourite, I'll Be Waiting, which included a singalong with the audience who tagged on every command. Howie burst into his shredding, then funky guitar solo which was a transition from the 'heavy' set 2 the 'mellow' portion of the show (Editor's note: I usually use the portion of others concerts 2 use the loo or get a drink during the ballads). I couldn't fathom bringing the audience down from the high energy show they were so engulfed in with a ballad or 40, so I decided 2 make a 'medley' of songs that were either recorded as power ballads or even heavier songs which could translate acoustically therefore keeping them interested. While Howie funked his way through his solo, the band left the stage & 1 by 1 re-appeared with stools placed across the front of the stage, starting with Gary playing an acoustic guitar by joining in on what Howie was playing. As Gary took over the riff on guitar, Howie exited 2 retrieve his acoustic & joined into Gary's now riffing, while Alex with tambourine & I rejoined, without skipping a beat.
We went through an array of Talisman, Eyes, JSS, & Gary Schutt tunes which ended up being the highlight of our set...complete unplugged bliss! Now how better 2 get out of an acoustic set but 2 tie it back into the heavy set again which we did with an Yngwie medley I pieced together. From the Marching Out album, we started with Don't Let It End, which we transitioned into On The Run Again, I'm A Viking & I'll See The Light Tonight 2 close the show. Again, which Yngwie tunes 2 play, how do I squeeze what I really wanna play....simple, do smidgeons of them all!
The CD of this show is 1 thing...everything was captured truly & I think it's a standup album, great debut of solo outing. It's a must have 4 all who have followed my career all these years (cheap plug coming!!!) but if u want the true essence, the DVD captures it all...screw it, get 'em both! Gary did all the editing of the DVD footage, as he is doing ALL of my video work lately, & there are many bonuses 2 be found throughout, including a very funny outtake video Gary compiled from the interview conducted on there. I packed it with everything I could 2 fill every aspect of the data storage we were alotted. The DVD really gives u the meat & potatoes of how we went from rehearsals, backstage follies, 2 the actual show. I've seen a hundred times from it's inception & I'm still very much entertained by it...I hope u feel the same! I give the CD a 95 out of 100 & the DVD gets the full count, 100!! Enjoy!