- Interviews
James Christian

James Christian has been going at it for over twenty years now, but it's been in the last several years that he has proved himself one of the best hard rock vocalists in the business, with three classic House Of Lords albums and a debut solo album from a couple of years ago.
James also sang with Eyes and LA Roxx back in the early eighties, and has just had a compilation album from his first band with other AOR singer/songwriter Jeff Cannata, Jasper Wrath, released to the unsuspecting public. But where is that House Of Lords Re-union?

So James, last thing I heard fom you, was the House Of Lords re-union. What happened to that?
There still might be a House Of Lords re-union soon. We have already written three songs. It all comes down to timing. The timing must be right.

Okay. I had heard on the rumour mill, that was you had submitted tracks to the label, and they didn't like it.
No it is not true. We never submitted any new tracks to the label at the time. But when we do, it will be on our terms. Why elso do a record after so many years, if you don't do it for yourself.

Right, so it's still possible then?
Yeah, as I said before, we have three tracks recorded, and depending what everyone else is doing, a re-union could definately happen.

I noticed that missing from the re-union was one Mr Guiffria! It is no secret that he is an interesting guy to work with!
Yes, Greg Guiffria was quite a guy, but time heals all wounds.

So what are the other guys up to now?
Ken Mary and Lanny Cordola are both producing, and Chuck Wright is writing songs and producing.

And I heard Greg is writing songs for pin ball machines in Las Vegas......
I don't know about Greg Guiffria!

What else have you been doing James?
I'm still writing and recording. Working on putting together another record. So many wonderful changes in my life are happening. My girlfriend, Robin Beck, is having a baby, and low and behold I'm the Dad, and I am very excited.

Tell us something about the Jasper Wrath compilation. (Featuring yourself, and other AOR notable Jeff Cannata).
I heard that you and Jeff were writing together. The Jasper Wrath record is something I did 20 years ago, My God!! Jeff Cannata is a fabulous producer and good friend, but we are not working on anything at the moment.

Do you know when any of these projects might see the light of day?
I really don't know when any of these projects will come out. Time will tell.

Looking back on 'Rude Awakening', are you happy with the result?
I was very happy with Rude Awakening. I got a chance to wear all the hats, and be responsible for it all.

You had some great songs on the album, it's one of my favourites.
I'm very proud of Rude Awakening , I agree, I thought there were some great songs on that CD.

Both House Of Lords and your solo record have that big, even huge, stadium rock sound. Does that take some doing, or does it come naturally?
It's very natural, that's the school of music I came from - 'Big And Natural'!

How about the decision to play a lot of the instruments yourself?
I decided on this project to play all the instruments because a lot of what is on the CD was created as it went down. I liked what I was hearing at the time.

Demons Down is one of my all time favourite CDS. What is your favourite House Of Lords record, and song?
Demons Down was one of my favorite Cds also. But Can't Find My Way Home was my all time favourite song to sing.

Before all this you were in a couple of very notable L.A hard rock bands in L.A Roxx and Eyes. Any comments on being in either?
I have no real thoughts on LA Roxx or Eyes, one must just look at those times as 'Paying Your Dues'.

Something I have noticed in your songwriting, tracks like 'Oh Father', 'Demons Down' and 'The Warden' have a distinct similarity in their theme. Is there an ongoing battle happening there?
The Battle is an ongoing struggle to understand life. Do we ever really understand why things turn out the way they do? So many questions, so little answers.

So is songwriting a good way off letting out these emotions?
Songwriting is great for the soul, even if you suck at it! When you put something down on paper or on tape, it lives forever. I like that.

Are you involved in anything else at the moment James?
I'm involved with working with my girlfriend Robin Beck, and doing some tracks with her. I also love working with computers and I'm getting ready to be a dad. 'Lord Have Mercy'!!

Do you at all see Marcie (Mark) Free these days?
I don't talk to Mark Free. The last time I saw him was at a party given by Judith And Robin Randall.

Okay James, thanks for the time, and good luck with becoming a Dad!!
Okay Andrew, thanks for the interest in what I'm doing.
