Fireworks #14 - OUT NOW
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Fireworks Magazine - Issue 14 is just about to be released. Featured on the cover is none other than The Darkness! Oh yes indeed! The band are interviewed by Dave Reynolds. Also included: interviews with - Harem Scarem, Bonfire, Balance of Power, Firehouse, Twisted Sister, Mars Electric, Dreamtide, Johnny Lima, Ring of Fire, Section A, Xoch, Charlotte Martin, Blaze, Rob Rock, doubleDrive and Erik Norlander.

"This publication is an ASS KICKER!!" - Scott Sherman - Monroe, New York

Sample the magazine with 3 great interviews!!

Xoch Interview

Joe Lynn Turner Interview

Bloodstock 2003 Review

Questions/Enquiries to:


Feature Interviews from Issue 13.

Gary Hughes - Once And Future King Interview

TNT Interview

Pride Interview

Feature Interviews from Issue 12.

Interview with Bob Catley

Interview with Nexx

Interview with Saracen

Interview with Power Quest

Two Feature Interviews from issue 11.

Interview with FM

Interview with Stratovarius